Members of NAIEWO of Uganda celebrate International Street Vendors Day! |
Regular up-dates on all the news and events concerning StreetNets three on-going campaigns: (1) World Class Cities for All (2) New Manifesto Campaign (3) Litigation Campaigns
Thursday, 13 December 2012
Tuesday, 11 December 2012
Ghana StreetNet Alliance march for rights and social security on International Street Vendors Day
March through Accra on 14th November -International Street Vendors Day
Promoting Social Dialogue, Creating Jobs, Calling for Social Dialogue
Promoting Social Dialogue, Creating Jobs, Calling for Social Dialogue
Tuesday, 4 December 2012
Chile SINTRALOC celebra el dia internacional en la Alameida Plaza Principal de Santiago de Chile
SINTRALOC, anfitrión del Congreso de StreetNet en 2013, celebró el día internacional de los vendedores y vendedoras ambulantes con una manifestación nutrida en la Plaza Principal del Capital, Santiago de Chile, y con música y festejos. Se destacó la participación de la juventud en el evento.
Sunday, 2 December 2012
Togo: une protection sociale pour tous, un élément de développement de l’économie informelle
Pour marquer le 14 novembre, le Syndicat des Vendeurs de
Matériaux de Construction du Togo (SYVEMACOT)
en collaboration avec la Faitière Nationale des Travailleurs du Secteur
Informel (FAINATRASIT) a organisé
une causerie suivie de débat au tour du thème : « une protection sociale pour tous, un
élément de développement de l’économie informelle ». Le débat a regroupé près de 250 vendeurs, vendeuses,
artisans et les corps de métier de l’économie informelle dont environs 197femmes.
250 vendeurs fêtent le 14 novembre! |
Le programme da été présenté
par le secrétaire général du SYVEMACOT, Monsieur Komi Mensanh KESSOUAGNI, suivi
par les mots de bienvenue de la présidente de FAINATRASIT, Madame TOUBLOU Mawussi
Yawa. Dans ses mots, la présidente a montré l’importance de la protection
sociale à travers ses différentes prestations qui permettent de supporter une
partie des frais médicaux en général, mais aussi d’assurer les vieux jours du
travailleur avant passer la main au communicateur.
Monsieur Gilbert ADOMEY, le coordonnateur régional de
l’institut national d’assurance maladie
(INAM) qui a animé la causerie-débat porté sur problématique de la protection
sociale. L’orateur a expliqué ce qu’est la protection sociale, son utilité, ses
prestations, les différentes modalités dans la
mise en œuvre de la protection sociale entre autres. Il a relevé que la
protection sociale doit être une réalité dans le secteur informel dans la
mesure où les acteurs de ce secteur sont plus exposés que les travailleurs du
secteur formel. Il a poursuivi que l’assurance sociale réponde mieux au secteur informel. En conséquence il
a lancé un appel aux acteurs de ce secteur de se tourner vers les mutuelles de
santé; les questions qui ont suivi cette présentation montrent à
suffisance que le message passé est bien reçu.
La représentante du Directeur Général chargé de la
délégation à l’organisation du secteur informel (DOSI) a salué l’initiative, et a réitéré la disponibilité de son
institution a accompagné les travailleurs du secteur informel à accéder à la
protection sociale tout en renforçant les mutuelles de santé existante et
accélérer la création d’autres. Il a lancé un appel aux acteurs pour une
adhésion massive au Projet d’Appui au Développement du Secteur Privé (PADSP) qui vise la formation de deux
mille micros entrepreneurs.
Secrétaire Général du SYVEMACOT
Saturday, 24 November 2012
Brazil: 14th November widely covered in trade union media
In Brazil, we sent the leaflets to the partners (UGT, CUT, CGGDH, PSI, FES, BWI and the Popular Committee of those Affected by the World Cup)
and to our many contacts in the street vendors organisations of the host cities. We wrote a letter to
all the newly elected city mayors of the host cities - there are 11 Mayors who were elected at the end of October- and requested the street vendors
organisations to try and arrange a meeting with the new Mayors to hand them the letter personally. The letter was an adaptation of the letter we sent earlier to the 84 Mayoral candidates and it contained the same set of demands which we had already put to FIFA earlier this year.
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Mayor of Porto Alegre receives StreetNet letter with our 3 demands |
We have received responses from the street vendors' organisations from Porto
Alegre, Belo Horizonte and Salvador, who told us the good news that the Mayors had agreed to meet them! This is a real victory as they are large cities and the Mayors have substantive powers. We have already received news from ASFERAP in Porto Alegre and Salvador about
their meeting.
The mayor from Salvador has also replied to our email saying he was aware of the International Street Vendors Day, and that he would carefully study the letter. In Rio, we invited the street vendors leadership for a breakfast at the Centre for Working Women (CAMTRA) and we had a nice and informal conversation. They suggested creating a carnival section of the street vendors in Rio!! We distribute the t-shirts, the leaflet and we gave our women leaders flowers in recognition of their struggle for justice. The team from CAMTRA joined us in the conversation.
Information about the International Street Vendors Day was put up in a number of important websites:
In the CUT website
In the BWI website
In the Manuas Popular Committee of those Affected by the World Cup (Comite Popular da Copa de Manaus)
In the facebook of the MNCR- catadores
And in theTUCA /CSA website
Report from Maira Vanucchi, WCCA Coordinator in Brazil and Nora Wintour StreetNet Campaigns Coordinator
Thursday, 22 November 2012
South Africa:UBAMBANO and StreetNet mark International Street Vendors Day
Traders Alliance, an affiliate of StreetNet, celebrated last Wednesday
at the Durban City Hall. The hall was packed with hundreds people who
attended this event. There were songs, dances and poetry from
entertainers who belong to the informal sector.
“Harassments must be immediately
suspended until an agreed process is formed between Ubumbano and the
various municipalities in the province,” said Mzwandile Mavula, Ubumbano
from the local government were present including business support and the South Africa Municipal Workers Union and the
South African Communist Party.
also talked about how Social Protection Floors play an important role
for informal workers and traders. Countries have to commit to a
sustained focus on programmes for the poorer people, with plans and
budgets allocated for serious implementation. The social
protection floor was spoken about in detail and is based on a package of
basic securities which is proper healthcare, food security, child care
and public infrastructure.
'One of the resolutions of the meeting is for
Ubumbano to have a service centre that focuses on those areas and where
informal workers can visit if they need help. ” he said
LIberia: Central Bank Governor meets street vendors on occasion of International Street Vendors Day - a first time for StreetNet affiliates!
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Comfort Doryon, Chair of NAPETUL, with the Governor the Central Bank of Liberia, Dr. Mill Jones and the Deputy Governor on the Occasion of International Street Vendors Day! |
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Nothing for us without us! |
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14th November March of Street Vendors through Monrovia to celebrate International Street Vendors Day |
It's not every day that a Central Bank Governor and his Deputy have time to go out on the streets to meet an organisation of street vendors. But in Liberia, it has happened! Let's hope that more Central Bank Governors take inspiration from this achievement in Liberia where government and bankers are concerned to listen to the needs of street vendors.
SIVARA Argentina: Conmemoración del Día Internacional de Vendedores Ambulantes
SIVARA, Argentina celebró el 14 de Noviembre con una conferencia
sobre los pisos de protección social ademas de una gran marcha
a través de las zonas centrales de Buenos Aires.
SIVARA, Argentina, celebrated the 14th November with a conference
on social protection floors as well as a big march
through the central zone of the capital, Buenos Aires.
SIVARA, Argentine, a célébré le 14 novembre avec une conférence
sur le thème des socles de protection sociale ainsi qu'une grande défilé
a travers la zone centrale de la capitale, Buenos Aires.
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Estamos trabajando en la campaña realizando una serie de actividades :
PRIMERO: Mandamos a imprimir 224 camisetas con el mensaje alusivo al Décimo aniversario de STREETNET INTERNACIONAL, respaldando la campaña; declarando el día 14 de noviembre: DIA INTERNACIONAL DE LA VENDEDORA Y VENDEDOR AMBULANTE.
SEGUNO:Hemos sacado un cintío en el Periódico El Libertador.
TERCERO: Acordamos tres Federaciones Nacionales FOTSSIEH, FENTAEH y ANAVIH, sacar un campo pagado pagina completa en un Diario Nacional que hoy ya salio publicado en la Tribuna, manifestándonos:
1.- Demandamos del gobierno la aprobación de la Ley para el ordenamiento e inclusión de los trabajadores y trabajadoras por cuenta propia; inclusión en la seguridad social, acceso a crédito, capacitación, asesoría técnica y jurídica.
2.- Celebramos junto con STREETNET INTERNACIONAL, su decimo Aniversario .
3.- Respaldamos la campaña para la declaración del 14 de noviembra DIA INTERNACIONAL DE LA VENDEDORA Y VENDEDOR AMBULANTE.
4.- Hacemos un llamado a todas/os las/los que hacemos una actividad por cuenta propia, para generar el sustento diario, que organicemos la Red Nacional para celebrar desde este catorce de noviembre el Dia Nacional del Trabajador y trabajadora por cuenta propia, ademas para que nos unamos para exigir la aprobacion de nuestra ley.
5. Hoy en horas de la tarde 2:00 PM. en San Pedro Sula, desarrollaremos una conferencia de prensa ,allí entregaremos las camisetas a los asistentes, bocadillos y un pastel que partiremos alusivo al 10mo Aniversario de STREETNET INTERNACIONAL, porque están prohibidas las manifestaciones o mitines públicos por el silencio declarado por el Tribunal Supremo Electoral, ya que el domingo serán las Elecciones Primarias.
Saludos compañeras y compañeros y muchas felicidades , hasta la victoria siempre.
PRIMERO: Mandamos a imprimir 224 camisetas con el mensaje alusivo al Décimo aniversario de STREETNET INTERNACIONAL, respaldando la campaña; declarando el día 14 de noviembre: DIA INTERNACIONAL DE LA VENDEDORA Y VENDEDOR AMBULANTE.
SEGUNO:Hemos sacado un cintío en el Periódico El Libertador.
TERCERO: Acordamos tres Federaciones Nacionales FOTSSIEH, FENTAEH y ANAVIH, sacar un campo pagado pagina completa en un Diario Nacional que hoy ya salio publicado en la Tribuna, manifestándonos:
1.- Demandamos del gobierno la aprobación de la Ley para el ordenamiento e inclusión de los trabajadores y trabajadoras por cuenta propia; inclusión en la seguridad social, acceso a crédito, capacitación, asesoría técnica y jurídica.
2.- Celebramos junto con STREETNET INTERNACIONAL, su decimo Aniversario .
3.- Respaldamos la campaña para la declaración del 14 de noviembra DIA INTERNACIONAL DE LA VENDEDORA Y VENDEDOR AMBULANTE.
4.- Hacemos un llamado a todas/os las/los que hacemos una actividad por cuenta propia, para generar el sustento diario, que organicemos la Red Nacional para celebrar desde este catorce de noviembre el Dia Nacional del Trabajador y trabajadora por cuenta propia, ademas para que nos unamos para exigir la aprobacion de nuestra ley.
5. Hoy en horas de la tarde 2:00 PM. en San Pedro Sula, desarrollaremos una conferencia de prensa ,allí entregaremos las camisetas a los asistentes, bocadillos y un pastel que partiremos alusivo al 10mo Aniversario de STREETNET INTERNACIONAL, porque están prohibidas las manifestaciones o mitines públicos por el silencio declarado por el Tribunal Supremo Electoral, ya que el domingo serán las Elecciones Primarias.
Saludos compañeras y compañeros y muchas felicidades , hasta la victoria siempre.
Monday, 19 November 2012
Presidente de StreetNet festeja la lucha, unidad y solidaridad/ StreetNet President celebrates our struggle, unity and solidarity
Estimados Compañeras y Compañeros,
Considero que todos y cada uno de los afiliados a STREETNET INTERNATIONAL hemos practicado democráticamente los festejos de un nuevo aniversario y también hemos festejado por primera ves en la historia el DÍA MUNDIAL DEL VENDEDOR AMBULANTE.
Y a partir de ello, todos los vendedores del mundo debemos unificar la lucha,los proyectos de inclusión social y la libertad de trabajo,porque nuestra bandera debe estar en lo mas alto,y debemos ratificar nuestra clase de trabajadores unidos y solidarios.
Tomemos como un claro ejemplo esta lucha de los compañeros uruguayos que hizo que los malos funcionarios den marcha atrás en el desalojo masivo contra mas de 200 vendedoras y vendedores de la feria principal. (Véanse abajo)
Los abrazo a todos los compañeros del mundo,en el abrazo fraternal que envió al compañero Fernando Gallardo.
Presidente, StreetNet Internacional
Brothers and Sisters, Comrades,
I consider that all the affiliates of STREETNET INTERNATIONAL have democratically celebrated our anniversary and for the first time in our history, the International Day of Street Traders.
And from now on, all the vendors of the world must unite in the struggle for social inclusion and for the freedom to work. Our banner must fly high and we must reaffirm that we are united and work in solidarity to support our class of workers.
Let us take as a clear example this struggle of the Uruguayan brothers and sisters who have succeeded in making ill-disposed officials step back from a massive eviction of 200 traders, both men and women, from the main market. (See below)
I greet all our brothers and sisters throughout the world, in the words and fraternal greeting of our brother, Fernando Gallardo.
President, StreetNet International
Considero que todos y cada uno de los afiliados a STREETNET INTERNATIONAL hemos practicado democráticamente los festejos de un nuevo aniversario y también hemos festejado por primera ves en la historia el DÍA MUNDIAL DEL VENDEDOR AMBULANTE.
Y a partir de ello, todos los vendedores del mundo debemos unificar la lucha,los proyectos de inclusión social y la libertad de trabajo,porque nuestra bandera debe estar en lo mas alto,y debemos ratificar nuestra clase de trabajadores unidos y solidarios.
Tomemos como un claro ejemplo esta lucha de los compañeros uruguayos que hizo que los malos funcionarios den marcha atrás en el desalojo masivo contra mas de 200 vendedoras y vendedores de la feria principal. (Véanse abajo)
Los abrazo a todos los compañeros del mundo,en el abrazo fraternal que envió al compañero Fernando Gallardo.
Presidente, StreetNet Internacional
Brothers and Sisters, Comrades,
I consider that all the affiliates of STREETNET INTERNATIONAL have democratically celebrated our anniversary and for the first time in our history, the International Day of Street Traders.
And from now on, all the vendors of the world must unite in the struggle for social inclusion and for the freedom to work. Our banner must fly high and we must reaffirm that we are united and work in solidarity to support our class of workers.
Let us take as a clear example this struggle of the Uruguayan brothers and sisters who have succeeded in making ill-disposed officials step back from a massive eviction of 200 traders, both men and women, from the main market. (See below)
I greet all our brothers and sisters throughout the world, in the words and fraternal greeting of our brother, Fernando Gallardo.
President, StreetNet International
14 de noviembre 2012
Compañeros: hoy festejamos este gran día para los vendedores callejeros del planeta de la mejor manera: luchando.
En estos días acabamos de frenar un nuevo intento de reducción de nuestra fuente laboral de la manera mas brutal: aplicándonos un reglamento desconocido por nosotros. Mas de 200 bajas de puestos que nosotros rechazamos y en pie de lucha logramos revertir, precisamente en estas horas. La amargura de estos días por parte de nuestras familias nos aguó la conmemoración prevista para hoy, pero el desenlace victorioso, precisamente en estos instantes, será nuestro principal aporte a la mejor gloria de Street Net International.
Compañeros: hoy festejamos este gran día para los vendedores callejeros del planeta de la mejor manera: luchando.
En estos días acabamos de frenar un nuevo intento de reducción de nuestra fuente laboral de la manera mas brutal: aplicándonos un reglamento desconocido por nosotros. Mas de 200 bajas de puestos que nosotros rechazamos y en pie de lucha logramos revertir, precisamente en estas horas. La amargura de estos días por parte de nuestras familias nos aguó la conmemoración prevista para hoy, pero el desenlace victorioso, precisamente en estos instantes, será nuestro principal aporte a la mejor gloria de Street Net International.
Salud a todas las organizaciones hermanadas en esta organización mundial!!!
Salud a Street Net Internacional!!!
por los vendedores callejeros del Uruguay
por la Asociación de Feriantes de Ferias Especiales
Fernando Gallardo
Brothers and sisters: today we celebrate our great day for street vendors of the world in the very best manner: fighting for our rights!
We have managed to block another brutal attempt to reduce the number of work place by implementing a regulation that was unknown previously. More than 200 posts were due to be cancelled which we rejected and through our struggle we have managed to overturn the decision- precisely today. The bitterness that our families felt had dampened the spirit of the commemoration planned for today but with this victorious outcome, and in this very moment, it will be our main contribution to the better glory of StreetNet International.
Greetings to all the fraternal organisations of our global organisation!
Greetings to StreetNet International!
TOGETHER WE CAN! It is our slogan for the street vendors of Uruguay.
Association of Market Traders
Fernando Gallardo
Kenya: KENASVIT members raise their demands
KENASVIT affiliates celebrated International Street Vendors
Day with pomp and colour. Some organised a massive clean
up of trading areas while others took
the opportunity to rise their demands and fight for
recognition with the local authorities.
Day with pomp and colour. Some organised a massive clean
up of trading areas while others took
the opportunity to rise their demands and fight for
recognition with the local authorities.
Bangladesh: Human Chain to Demand a Street Vendors Law
A " Street Vendors Human Chain" was held at in front of National Press Club, Dhaka on the occasion of International Street Vendors Day orgnised by the Labour in the Informal Economy (LIE).
Leaders of national trade union centers (Bangladesh Free Trade Union Congress-BFTUC) and OSHE personals joined this event. Total participants were: 200 (around 40 % were female).
Greetings from Mozambique!
Bom dia a todos pelo grande dia dos vendedores ambulantes e 10 anos da StreetNet internacional eu passei o dia fora do Pais estive na República da Zâmbia na `LO Norway Youth Conference` representando a OTM-CS, onde tive oportunidade de anunciar a data e e festejar com eles. mas também fiquei feliz por saber que no meu pais muita coisa aconteceu em relação a data estou recolhendo as informações para depois partilhar convosco.
Good day to everyone on the great day of street vendors and the 10th Anniversary
of StreetNet International. I spent the day in Zambia at the LO-Norway
youth conference representing the Mozambican Organisation of Workers (OTM) where
I had the opportunity to commemorate the date with them. I was also very pleased
to know that in my country there were many events happening about the International
Street Vendors Day. I am collecting the information to forward to you soon.
Armindo from ASSOTSI, Mozambique
- Este 14 de Noviembre del 2012, se celebró el 10mo. Aniversario de Streetnet International. En Lima Perú, nuestra Federación Departamental FEDEVAL realizo un gran FORO METROPOLITANO por este motivo.Este acto de ceremonia protocolar, contó con la digna presencia de distinguidas personalidades; estuvo en representación de la alcaldesa de Lima, la gerente de Desarrollo Empresarial Carmen Vildoso Chirinos; Carmen Roca Miock directora de WIEGO para América Latina; también se hizo presente, asimismo, Abelardo Vildoso Chirinos Director de la ONG - ADEC- ATC, el Sr. Julio C Bazán Figueroa, Presidente de la CUT Perú, Guillermo Pérez Herrera director de PROSEI; Patricia Balda de ISCOD Perú, Katia Hurtado dirigente de la Cut; y compartiendo la mesa de honor la Sra. Luz Maldonado Velásquez, secretaria de organización de FEDEVAL habló en representación de las mujeres trabajadoras del sector y finalizando, brindó su saludo al 10mo. aniversario de Streetnet, pidiendo a los asistentes brindar un homenaje póstumo a nuestra compañera BEAUTY BUGIJIMA desaparecida en un trágico accidente; Manuel Sulca Escalante Secretario General de la FEDEVAL, tuvo a su cargo la alocución central en este día. la moderación de este acto, estuvo a cargo de Marcial Guillermo Pérez Herrera. Como organizaciones invitadas; FENAREP (recicladores); CONFIAR (vendedores ambulantes).
- El evento contó con mas 80 participantes de los distrito de Lima Cercado; San Martin de Porres; la Victoria; La parada y GAMARRA; Comas, Carabayllo; Puente Piedra; independencia; Ancón; Rímac; El Agustino; Magdalena; Jesús María.
Malawi: Radios awash with news about International Street Vendors Day
Blantyre City Asembly Director of Planning receives petition from Mhango, MUFIS |
Union for Informal Sector (MUFIS) with its membership and partners joined their friends
in the world for the first time celebrating International Street Vendors Day in
style under the theme of street vendors are workers with the same right to
organization, representation and social protection as other workers. They
marched a distance of one kilometre to present a petition to Chief Executive
Officer of the City Council of Blantyre while songs were sung loud and clear.
The petition was presented to the council and after that the council arranged a
place in the Mayor's Chamber where they could hear the contents of the petition and
it was read by the President as follows:
Marching through Blantyre City |
November, 2012
The Chief
Executive Officer,
Bag 67
Dear Sir,
We refer
to the above subject matter. Malawi Union for Informal Sector with its
membership and partners all over the world are celebrating the vendors’ day
today which markers the 10th anniversary of StreetNet International
for the first time. The theme of this year is street vendors are workers with
the same right to organization, representation and social protection as other
workers. During this celebration we would like to request your good offices to
look and address our issues as follows:
Lack of good markets and a lot of people sell their
commodities under harsh conditions such as hot sun, rains and without benches.
Lack of toilets, storage houses, dust bins, piped water,
security and fence.
Lack of consultation when the market fee is being adjusted
Lack of nursery schools at markets where children could be
put/in classes and learn while mothers/fathers are selling their commodities.
Lack of market clinics, where pregnant women, anti natal
could be administered and HIV/AIDS patients could get treatment
Rivers passing through the markets are polluted and sticky
for example Mudi passing through Blantyre market, Limbe passing through Limbe
Build more markets to accommodate all vendors
Provide good water, storage, security, dust bins, toilets
and wall fence
Councils must stop confiscating goods from vendors
Vendors must be consulted on all the issues affecting them through
Provide soft loans for empowerment through the banks, and
provide banks at the markets for savings
Provide social protection policy schemes to vendors / self -
employed people
Provide clinics and nursery schools at the markets.
Amend the laws and bye laws so that they should match with
current Republican constitution, democracy and trade systems.
Provide accountable security to all markets so that if goods
are stolen vendors should be compensated;
Our members should not be harassed when crossing the borders
with their goods.
"We estimated that the whole ceremony would take us 15 to 20
minutes but after hearing the contents of the petition, the council officials
were moved and it took two and half hours, responding one by one. They agreed with our petition and promised
that they will invite MUFIS to a meeting where all the items on the petition
will be discuss item by item. But immediately they said that
(1) they will stop confiscating good from vendors,
(2) that vendors will always be consulted through MUFIS
(3) they accepted that the bye laws should be amended,
(4) they will talk to banking institutions to provide loans
for economic empowerment and clean the rivers passing through markets.
Council official
thought there could be violence during presentation. MUFIS thanked City Council
officials for accepting to receive the petition and asked them to facilitate
the meeting urgently. The positive responses by the council were more than
expectation of MUFIS membership. The function was covered by a lot of media,
especially by many radio broadcasters.In fact, the radios were awash with news about International Street Vendors Day!"
Mwanda Chiwambala
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